Garth & Bev
26 x 11 mins, (2D Animation), Pre-school.
Time-travelling siblings Garth and Bev live in harmony with Nature in their village long ago. When they solve a problem, they are transported to another time and place by the Time Spiral with a little help from Grandfather Lir, who likes to remind them… “Nature has all the answers!”
The kids have journeyed to meet everyone from the Wright Brothers to Alexander Graham Bell in their quest to learn about the miracles of science and invention, but what always amazes Garth and Bev is that there is always an inspiration from Mother Nature behind every great idea. The kids always have a voyage of discovery and more often than not end up teaching the great geniuses of history a thing or two about the wonders of the natural world.
Meet Garth & Bev on Amazon Prime.

For sales, contact Henrietta Hurford-Jones henrietta.hurford-jones@bbc.com.
Produced by Kavaleer and Copernicus in association with Loogaroo.